
Interview: Annette Lee

Singaporean Artist, Annette Lee, is living out her dreams and dipping her hands in a variety of creative endeavors that allow her to bring her compassionate and open heart forward. In celebration of the recent release of “Song For The Underdog”, I caught up with Annette for a great chat about overcoming thoughts of comparison, her day-to-day work as a Digital Creator with SGAG, persevering despite the odds, using her artistry to show empathy and more.

Congrats on the release of “Song For The Underdog”. Have you experienced being the underdog in any of your endeavors? If so, how do you perceive that feeling served you?

Thank you! I’ve often felt like the underdog growing up. It seemed like the odds were stacked against me – I was never the cool kid (which definitely led to getting bullied), definitely not a rich kid, my family was dysfunctional and I was constantly falling ill – the list goes on. But I also grew up hearing stories like the one of the Tortoise and the Hare, and believed that like the underdog can win. So that feeling, coupled with the hope I had, definitely spurred me to press on despite the odds, allowing me to see some victories in my life, so I really wanted this song to be an anthem for anyone out there who is in a place in life similar to where I was in my hardest times. That said, and there are also new odds that come with each passing day, leaving me to feel like an underdog once more.

Give us a rundown of a day in your life of being a Digital Creator/Comedian with SGAG.

Everyday looks different for me! Depending on what phase of video production I’m at, I could be coming in to work and brainstorm ideas for a video (sometimes they’d be videos for brands who work with us on sponsored content), or writing a script, or out on set directing/acting in a video.

Showcasing the human in you, what is a challenging thought that you recently had and were able to overcome over time?

I used to struggle a lot with comparing myself with others who seem to have had it ahead in life and feeling like I’m not good enough, and feeling anxious about not achieving as much. But over time, I’ve discovered – in the spirit of the fable of the tortoise and the hare – that it’s not how you start but how you end. And how I overcame it was reminding myself constantly to compare myself to who I was yesterday instead of to the people around me.

What is your perception of the digital world that we live in and social media culture?

The digital world is very much a false reality. I think social media culture causes us to see extremes, the worst of news and the best of our peers – both of which can easily cause us to fall anxiety or depression. Seeing bad news being amplified definitely can cause fear in people and cause us to lose hope, and seeing the ‘perfect’ lives of everyone else can make us feel like we aren’t good enough. That said, there’s also so much about the digital age that allows for good news, great art, and useful tools and knowledge to be more accessible than ever before – and it’s also able to enrich us in so many ways.

No career path or amount of followers negates the fact that you are a human being that has feelings. Tell us about some parts of you beyond being a musician and digital creator that you take pride in.

I always believe that people come first no matter what. So as an artist, while I enjoy creating work and feel a need to do so, but I always think of how I can show love through my work, and how I can show love to others in my daily life. So I take pride in knowing that I understand the brokenness many people face, and that I can use my art (be it music or comedy) or my personal capacity to show love to just one person who’s hurting or struggling.

As you are exposed to a lot of stimulus working in the digital world, how do you proactively take care of your mental and emotional health?

We’re so bombarded with noise in the digital world, and so many people are addicted to their phones and don’t even realise it. I find it so important to consciously take time off my screens and disconnect for a while as often as I can, to find my thoughts in quiet and solitude, instead of letting the noise overwhelms me.

If you could trade existences with your favorite cartoon character growing up, who would you choose and why?

Probably Perry the platypus from Phineas and Ferb, because he is a house pet who is secretly a spy detective. You can’t have a cooler double life than that haha.

Last but certainly not least, any closing messages for your fans?

Thank you for paying attention to my work – I can’t do what I do without you guys and I won’t take your support for granted. And I hope that you stay thankful and kind and never take life too seriously! 

Annette Lee Social Links:



Interview: Go For Gold

Arkansas Punk Rock Band, Go For Gold, continue to unfold with a dynamic punch of meaningful lyricism and infectious instrumentals. In celebration of the recent release of “Let Me Go”, I caught up with Guitarist, Jared Williams, to discuss being a part of the InVogue Records family, anxiety and criticism being a double-edged sword, trading existences with Spongebob Squarepants and more.

Congrats on the release of your new single, “Let Me Go”‘. Tell us about the message that you intended to portray throughout the track.

The new single is about a bad relationship but from an honest middle ground. It’s not colored by an individual perspective. It encompasses the mistakes on each side and takes into account that they are both at fault. 

Though a broad question, what have you learned about yourself and what skills have you developed through working with InVogue Records?

Our main take-away so far is that working with a label will not instantaneously put us where we want to be. Teaming with InVogue gives us a real shot at making it; a shot a majority of artists don’t have, but this is where the work truly begins. Nick Moore has walked in our shoes before. He provides expert advice from the business side as well as from being an artist. We just have to be smart enough to utilize the tools him and his team provide us with in a way that creates success.

Showcasing the human in you, what is a challenging thought that you recently had and were able to overcome over time? 

I struggle with anxiety and am overly critical of my own abilities. These traits are a double-edged sword. They force me to push myself but they can also leave me in a terrible place mentally. I end up feeling overwhelmed and often like I’m not good enough. I tend to push all of these feelings down into myself. For various reasons, it took me a long time to acknowledge that I had these issues.

What is your perception of the digital world that we live in and social media culture?

This is kind of a loaded question! I feel that it is a blessing and a curse. It’s a great way for new artists like ourselves to connect with people. We can find/create audiences we may have not been able to if we had started our career at a different time. It also creates a larger demand for content. As an artist, we can’t sit still if we want to survive. We have to continually be creating and advocating for our seat at the table.

As a person, social media can be mind-numbing, divisive and have negative effects on a person’s perception. It’s important for people to connect in more intimate ways when possible. Nothing will ever take the place of face to face human interaction. Meeting people in-person provides us with their true identity. It allows us to develop a greater understanding of who someone is as compared to a tiny blurb on a Twitter thread.

Photo Credit: Kurt Lunsford

No career path or amount of followers negates the fact that you are a human being that has feelings. Tell us about some parts of you beyond being a musician that you take pride in. 

I’m currently finishing up my DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) degree. This has been a seven year journey that comes to an end in July/August. I’ve always been attracted to a challenge and love to push myself.

As you are exposed to tons of stimulus and explore throughout the new album, how do you proactively take care of your mental and emotional health when you’re out on the road?

I think that music is the way I’m proactive about it. Up until recently, I completely ignored my mental and emotional health. I drained myself empty. Music is the main outlet that I utilize to vent my frustrations. I think that’s why people connect with it. We all get stressed out. We all can beat ourselves up from time to time. We also can learn to keep our heads up.

If you could trade existences with your favorite cartoon character growing up, who would you choose and why? 

I would be Spongebob Squarepants. I love that show to this day. Even in high school, I had full episodes completely memorized. It’s a classic. Spongebob is light-hearted and easy going. He works a job he loves and seems to have time to hang out with his friends on top of that. Spongebob is living the dream and he knows it.

Last but certainly not least, any closing messages for your fans?

Thank you to anyone and everyone who has taken the time to listen or talk to us. We do this because we love it and the fact that you all have connected to our music or ourselves in some way is completely overwhelming. Welcome to the cool kid’s table.

Go For Gold Social Links:


Music Reviews

Toronto Independent Musician, Delyn Grey, Releases New Single – “Battle”

Toronto Independent Musician, Delyn Grey, approaches one of the worlds most prominent current epidemics with grace throughout the release of their emotively rich new single, “Battle”. As the world becomes more conscious of the mental health struggles that individuals face day-to-day, artists are becoming more candid in their approach to showcasing that the battle is the field in which we shed light on our opportunities for growth amongst the variety of changes that we have to create to become a better version of ourselves. Mixing the beautiful vocals from Lead Vocalist, Delyn, with storytelling lyricism that tackles the highs and lows that an individuals encounters throughout mental disarray, “Battle” faces the present day and leads listeners’ toward opening their minds to the reality of mental health and how we can all contribute to the betterment of society by being more empathetic within our approach toward an individual facing the frightening disease both inside and out.

Unafraid to distort the version of mental health that a listener may have conceived from societal perception, “Battle” is a beautiful ode to hope in the light of dark. If you’re a fan of fellow musicians such as PJ Harvey, Tori Amos and Poe then keep an eye on the ride ahead for Delyn Grey on SoundCloud.

Delyn Grey Social Links:


Music Reviews

Minneapolis Musician, stAlkid, Set to Release New LP: ‘Spooky Tunes, For Lovers and the Dead’

Minneapolis-based Musician, stAlkid, approaches his artistry from a space of inner eccentricity and has given listeners a preview of what’s to come from his upcoming February 14th, 2020 LP, ‘Spooky Tunes, for Lovers and the Dead’, with the release of his lead single, “Dreams in the Witch House”. Meshing a variety of genres for a deep dive into the dark through opening instrumentals that are both intense and mastered to precision, stAlkid’s vocals slowly creep in to showcase the depths of despair that he feels as a lonesome soul who is prone to roam throughout life. “Dreams in the Witch House” is a phenomenal lead track that showcases the eclectic style and passion that stAlkid approaches his work with as he is vulnerable and open with his fans about the opportunities of growth that he has within as he continues to walk down a road of sin.

Photo: David Rubene

If you’re a fan of a mixture of fellow musicians such as Nine Inch Nails, How to Destroy Angels and Bright Eyes, then keep an eye on the promising ride ahead for stAlkid on SoundCloud.

stAlkid Social Links:



Interview: Shallow Pools

Boston Trio, Shallow Pools, aren’t afraid of breaking the rules as they convey messages of hope and perseverance stemming from the heart through their music. I caught up with the ladies for an in-depth interview to discuss the recent release of “Haunted”, collectively raising Bibby the cat, trading existences with cartoon characters such as The Powerpuff Girls and Twister from Rocket Power, balance pertaining to social media and much more.

Congrats on the recent release of your new single, “Haunted”. Tell us about the message that you intended to portray throughout this track and video. 

Ali – Thank you so much! We wanted “Haunted” to explore the feelings of uncertainty and helplessness surrounding the future. Having a dream and feeling like it keeps getting further and further away but still pushing to make it happen every day.

Tell us about how shallow pools came together and the bond that you have developed through your artistry. 

Ali – We all went to the same high school! Jess and Glynnis had been friends for a while, and then met Ali in 2012. We found out that we all loved music, and started making acoustic covers together. We decided to start writing our own songs and at first it was pretty rough but we have all grown so much and it’s been really cool to see! We are truly best friends/do everything together and the band really feeds that bond. Even if we fight it’s like… well we have to write 3 songs this week so there’s really no time for that.

Showcasing the human in you, what is a challenging thought that you recently had and were able to overcome over time? 

Jess – Every time we write new music, I constantly struggle with feeling like I’m not good enough or that I won’t write a song as good as our last song. It’s something I’ve been trying to work on a lot lately!

Glynnis – I’ve always been dealing with insecurity, where I’ve felt like I’m not up to par in almost every aspect of my life. But honestly, being in a band and performing has really helped me to be more confident in everything that I do!

Ali – I often have imposter syndrome! I feel like because I’m a woman if I’m not playing super intricate drum parts etc. everyone will think I’m not good enough. I have to remind myself that less is more and the best drummers play in the pocket and aren’t playing fills every 3 measures.

What is your perception of the digital world that we live in and social media culture?

Ali – I feel like it’s a blessing and a curse! It’s a great way to get your name out there and stay connected with fans who would have never heard of you if it weren’t for social media, but there are also factors working against you and you basically have to be a digital marketer to get new people seeing your posts and videos since there is so much content out there!

Jess – I love social media! It’s cool to be able to connect with people you might not have met otherwise. For the most part we’ve had a pretty positive experience with social media as far as the band goes. There are downsides for sure, so you definitely don’t want to get too wrapped up in it.

No career path or amount of followers negates the fact that you are a human being that has feelings. Tell us about some parts of you beyond being a musician that you take pride in. 

Glynnis – Honestly, I’m very proud of my cat. I know he’s not part of me but I’m obsessed with him and he’s very, very cute. His name is Bibby, he’s a chubby black cat, and he’s very talented.

Ali – I really like planning things! If I’m travelling anywhere I will have like 52 places to go and backup plans to the backups and I used to be annoyed by it because I lack spontaneity but honestly now I don’t care, I like to be prepared!! Also bibby is a star he is the strangest cat i know I’m proud of his existence and glynnis for being a great mother.

Jess – I’ve become a lot more independent over the last year or two. I moved to a new place, got a new job, etc. I’ve been working at that for a long time so it’s something I’m super proud of! I also agree with Glynnis that Bibby is talented and I’m proud of him too.

As you are exposed to tons of stimulus, how do you proactively take care of your mental and emotional health when you’re out on the road?

Ali – We do all have full time jobs plus the full time job that is writing/recording/performing, so that ends up being really overwhelming at times. It’s just a matter of making sure that you’re also doing things that make you happy/relaxed! I like watching Degrassi and the Bachelor/Bachelorette (depending on time of year), editing videos even though it annoys me sometimes, going to breweries, and I also really love shopping online/at malls.

Glynnis – I think it’s super important to take time for yourself. Even if it’s listening to a podcast, writing, or listening to music, having time that is dedicated to relaxing/destressing can really make a difference in how you’re feeling, especially with interactions with others!!

Jess – I completely agree with Glynnis! I love being around my friends and playing music together all the time, but it’s super important to make sure I get time to myself too. I think we all know each other well enough at this point that we can tell if someone needs to be left alone for a bit. Also, communicating exactly how you feel helps too! It’s something we’re all still working on.

If you could trade existences with your favorite cartoon character growing up, who would you choose and why? 

Ali- I really loved Arthur but I don’t really think I’d want his life, it was pretty boring. So I’m gonna go with Emmy from Dragon Tales she had a SICK life, a super cool playroom AND the ability to go fly on the backs of dragons. 

Glynnis – I was very into The Powerpuff Girls when I was younger. I always resonated with Buttercup, and I think it’d be pretty cool to be this little angsty superhero.

Jess – I was such a big Rocket Power fan so maybe I’d be Twister! Honestly I’d be any of the characters because then I’d know how to skateboard, which is my DREAM.

Last but certainly not least, any closing messages for your fans?

Ali – Thank you for existing and promoting us and connecting with our music, we see you/hear you. You always have someone in your corner in us!

Glynnis – Thank you so much for listening & we can’t wait for you to hear what’s next!!

Jess – Thanks so much for listening/coming out to our shows! We’re super excited to put out some new songs and play in new places this year!

Shallow Pools Social Links:



Interview: Bri Tolani

Multitalented Musician, Bri Tolani, is in the midst of an invigorating journey of discovery and experience which has created the space for her to find and expand herself through her artistry. I caught up with Bri for a great chat about mental health, staying in touch with her fans through social media, the touching meaning behind her recent single “Hazy” and more.

Congrats on the release of your new single Hazy”. Tell us about the message that you intended to portray.

“Hazy” is about my struggles with anxiety. The main hook “everything is just so damn hazy” refers to a specific symptom or anxiety I battle with called dissociation. It’s where the world around me feels dream-like or “hazy” and my brain feels foggy. It’s a common thing that can happen to anyone, but the feeling scared me and I wrote this as a way to releasing those emotions.

Though a broad question, what have you learned about yourself and what skills have you developed through working in the music industry.

I have learned a lot. But the main thing I have learned is that I really like producing. I never thought production is something I would get into but as I’ve started to learn more and more about it, I love it. “Hazy” is the first song that I produced and it was such a fun experience.

Showcasing the human in you, what is a challenging thought that you recently had and were able to overcome over time? 

I think something I struggle with a lot is being impatient. I have these thoughts that my career isn’t moving fast enough as it should and stuff like that, when in reality it’s moving at a perfect pace. Reminding myself that these things take time and that there’s no correct way or timeline for one’s career to take off is very helpful and something I need to keep doing. 

What is your perception on the digital world that we live in and social media culture?

Honestly, it’s a love hate relationship. If it wasn’t for social media, I wouldn’t be able to talk to my fans every day. However, social media can give me very, very bad anxiety. I know I’m not alone on that one, but in general I think the digital world we are in now allows us to connect with our fans on a level artist couldn’t before, which trumps all else.

No career path or amount of followers negates the fact that you are a human being that has feelings. Tell us about some parts of you beyond being a musician that you take pride in. 

I take pride in my sense of humor. Humor is so important to me and I love making people laugh. I also take pride (and hope to stay this way) being down to earth and real with people. I never want to come off as pretentious or anything like that. Like you saidI’m just another human and I want to always stay the same person no matter what happens in my career. 

As you are exposed to tons of stimulus, how do you proactively take care of your mental and emotional health when you’re out on the road?

I try to implement little things into my daily routine. Itry to take moments throughout the day to just breath and try to not think about anything. My brain is so scattered all day and so many things are going through my head, so I try to clear my mind every now and then. I also never do anything that pushes me too far on a mental level – no matter what, my mental health comes first. 

If you could trade existences with your favorite cartoon character growing up, who would you choose and why? 

I would trade existences with Bugs Bunny. He’s always in a good mood and always making people smile. He’s also very energetic, which I love.  

Last but certainly not least, any closing messages for your fans?

I guess just to let people know if you’re struggling mentally you are not alone. So many people out there understand what you’re going through and can relate. To my fans, feel free to DM me whenever you wish and visit my website for global mental health resources.

Bri Tolani Social Media Links:


Music Reviews

LA-Based Musicians, Historian, Releases New Single – “Witch Hazel”

LA-Based Musicians, Historian, are back in style with a frenzied furry of Rock and Roll laced with soul throughout their latest single, “Witch Hazel”. Through the dark and sinister lyrical trajectory mixed with the smooth and mastered to perfection instrumentals, Historian finds their way into the homes and hearts of listeners with this fun track that stands out in their ever-growing discography.

Adding a dash of Punk that is both unexpected and pleasant, Historian has created a genre-bending dose of musical medicine that takes listeners to the depths of Rock and Roll heaven throughout “Witch Hazel”. Eluding to the fact that they are able to bring their introverted nature’s outward with style and class, Historian is bound to last and continue to stand strong in their true Indie colors. If you’re a fan of fellow musicians such as MUTEMATH, Modest Mouse and The Modern Lovers then keep an eye on the promising ride ahead for Historian on SoundCloud.

Historian Social Links:


Music Reviews

Indie Folk Singer, Resurrection Fern, Releases New Single – “Siren”

Indie Folk Singer, Resurrection Fern, is staying as consistent as they come as she continues to spread her wings throughout her artistry with her new single, “Siren”. Beginning with pure instrumental serenity with a rush of water that sets the tone to come, Resurrection Fern swims into the hearts of listeners with ease as she softly plays her guitar that is abounding with peacefulness and tranquility. Creating a songwriting touch that dials down to the basics which showcases her ability to see beyond the surface, Resurrection Fern contemplates if engaging in a relation that has caused her immense pain is right for her life at this point as she waxes and wanes with the highs and lows and contemplates while remaining deeply present. “Maybe a storm is what it takes to make me free” is a lyric that stands out throughout “Siren” as Resurrection Fern internally pleads to stay away from the source of all of her pain which has led her to be in a lower vibration that she desires to be within.

Resurrection Fern has been sharing her bright light on her ever-growing Twitch channel for years in which hundreds of dedicated fans tune in to watch her live over mesmerizing musical performances. Creating a source of intimacy that has led to a deepened connection with her fans, Resurrection Fern is maximizing all of the modern-day sources in which expression leads to the ability to embody what you’re destined to. If you’re a fan of fellow musicians such as Ingrid Michaelson, Regina Spektor and Colbie Caillat, then keep an eye on the ride ahead for Resurrection Fern on Youtube.

Resurrection Fern Social Links:


Music Reviews

LA Rockers, ROCKET, Release New Single – “GIANTS”

Los Angeles Musicians, ROCKET, are flying through an alternative universe of their own to end the year with their stand-out new single, “GIANTS”. Lyrically reminding listeners that everything that you desire begins with what you act on today, ROCKET mixes music that is mastered to precision with songwriting perspective that inspires listeners to find more within themselves and bring it outward artistically. Through playing the lead role with humble pride that naturally draws listeners their way, Janelle Barreto embodies the desired Lead Vocalist of a bands dreams as ROCKET continues to develop the confidence that keep them ahead in the ever-changing world of the music industry.

Having a variety of accolades under their belt including being voted as one of “Best Bands to Catch” by CBS Los Angeles, ROCKET is a group of impassioned rockers who have a bright 2020 to look forward to. If you’re a fan of a mixture of fellow musicians such as Social Distortion, Paramore and CKY, then keep an eye on the ride ahead for ROCKET on SoundCloud.

ROCKET Social Links:



Interview: Axel Thesleff

Helsinki Electronic Musician, Axel Thesleff, has found pieces of himself through his uncanny creations of music that leave listeners feeling more in tune with themselves after every listen. In celebration of the new release of “Unity”, I caught up with Axel to discuss operating in the music business, remaining present while on the road, overstimulation, music being a communion rather than a competition and more.

Congrats on the release of “Unity”. Tell us about the message that you intended to portray throughout the new track.

Thank you! The song has a hopeful and empowering melody to it, which I associate with overcoming fear and hate. The track also features a sample of Carnatic singing from South India which has a very peaceful vibe and adds to the theme that way. It’s all very abstract of course but for me the song is about peace, love and unity, and overcoming the obstacles that keep us from achieving them.

Though a broad question, what have you learned about yourself and what skills have you developed through working in the music industry.

The past few years have been a pretty crazy ride for me and my team and I’ve definitely learned a lot of things. Operating in the music business independently has had a big learning curve, and it has been a great joy to learn from every moment of the journey. The whole industry is in a big structural change due to disruptive technologies and countless start-ups offering services that enables small teams like mine to operate on a global scale, which is amazing. When it comes to the music itself, one big aspect especially of late has been developing and streamlining the live show. In electronic music there are no fixed methods on how to perform a live show and finding the solutions that best suit you is a long process. After touring extensively in the US earlier this year the live show is now more solid than ever. I’ve also come to love the stage and don’t find myself that nervous before the show anymore. One big reason for this is feeling very comfortable with the technology and the way in which I perform.

Showcasing the human in you, what is a challenging thought that you recently had and were able to overcome over time? 

I would say self doubt and second guessing myself. It’s important to be objective about yourself and your craft, but that also means not being too hard on yourself and fully standing behind what you do. Also, having too many thoughts and mind chatter in general has been something that I’ve been working with by meditating and it’s something that I’ve noticed an improvement in over time. Ultimately it’s about losing the illusion of the self.

What is your perception on the digital world that we live in and social media culture?

It’s a two sided issue. On one hand they have brought us closer together and democratized music production and music industry in a big way. I can create a track in my home studio by myself, and release it worldwide straight into people’s pockets, it’s really amazing when you think about it. So it’s been a game changer in many ways. At the same time it has created an explosion of information. Everyone is competing for people’s time and attention. Social media can also create negative effects, like making people feel isolated, left out and “less than” if they compare themselves too much with other people’s posts, which at the end of the day are often just a glorified version of what the reality actually is. But I think overall the digital world has had better consequences on people than negative, we just have to learn to navigate the landscape in a more conscious way. 

No career path or amount of followers negates the fact that you are a human being that has feelings. Tell us about some parts of you beyond being a musician that you take pride in.

I try to be as present in the moment as I can in everything I do, weather enjoying nature, traveling, spending time with people or doing nothing in particular. I’m trying to appreciate everything that life throws my way and learn from everything as much as possible. I have the mentality of being a lifelong student so to speak and never stop learning about new things.

As you are exposed to tons of stimulus, how do you proactively take care of your mental and emotional health when you’re out on the road?

I’m someone who’s very prone to overstimulation and too much mind chatter. On the road you’re meeting new people everyday, going to places you’ve never been to before and exposing yourself to things you’ve never been exposed to before. Also the rough schedule and sometimes bad diet throws things off balance which exacerbates the imbalance even more. I tend to do a lot of mindfulness meditation when I’m transported to another place and it helps a lot. I try to observe everything that happens in my mind without being carried away by any thought. It grounds the mind and clears it from unnecessary clutter. 

You have toured with a wide variety of musicians over the past years and have played at some major festivals. Tell us some words of wisdom that you collected along the way. 

Just be your authentic self and present in the moment, don’t try to pretend to be something you’re not. Don’t look down on anyone and take other people seriously. Don’t obsess about the game, but instead try to be the embodiment of what got you here in the first place which is the shared love we feel towards music. Music is not a competition, it’s a communion.

Last but certainly not least, any closing messages for your fans?!

Thank you so much for supporting me and for all the positivity I receive from you every day! It’s amazing to see that what I create matters to people and humbling to know that people can relate to it and find value in it. I will never stop doing what I’m doing and I’ll do my best to be the best version of myself for you.

Axel Thesleff Social Links:
