YouTuber and Musician, Multiplier, has been spreading knowledge and creating a variety of educational tools that aid in the growth of fellow musicians and producers worldwide through capitalizing on the the wonders of YouTube. I caught up with Adam to discuss how YouTube has served as a platform that has enhanced his life experience, the paradoxes of creating his dream job, a day in the life of filming a YouTube tutorial and much more.
Tell us about the most recent YouTube tutorial that you put up and a day in the life of filming it.
I generally film in the morning, first thing. Then I go for a walk or get lunch whilst my computer processes the audio and video. Then I spend the afternoon/evening editing it. For simpler videos I might batch film and edit a few, but for more complex edits and sponsored videos, it tends to be one video per day (at a leisurely pace). Time-wise, from idea to upload, a video takes between 2 and 20 hours of work – on average about 4 or so. Maybe 3. It’s hard to measure time spent subconsciously thinking and synthesising thoughts about videos and/or the process of making them. The biggest shift recently though has been to using my Panasonic GH4 and Final Cut Pro X as my main filming setup. Last year it was a GoPro and ScreenFlow. I could probably do a two hour course explaining all the nuances and reasons why, but the simplest and maybe most honest reason is that- it’s an exciting and new creative process.
Tell us about your experience with YouTube and how the platform has served to enhance your life.
YouTube facilitated my career, and lifestyle. It started off as a gimmicky marketing hack to get more followers for my music (posting ‘How to Sound Like Skrillex’ videos before there were thousands of them). But over time, it became my primary creative and productive output. For years now I’ve been able to live comfortably off music, working when I want, on what I want, having fun, and that’s all been off the back of YouTube. It’s an interesting story to tell at parties too.
Showcasing the human in you, what is a challenging thought that you recently had and were able to overcome over time?
I still struggle with how I’ve created a dream job for myself that requires me to spend most of the day sat indoors. I want to spend more time standing up, and being outside. I don’t have a solution yet, although I do want to move to somewhere in the world that means I can sit or stand outside with my computer and work. England’s weather doesn’t really allow for that.
What is your perception on the digital world that we live in and social media culture?
Like alcohol, it can enhance the human experience, but needs to be used in a considered and intentional way. The brain chemistry for social media addiction is the same chemical reward system as for things like alcohol addiction. But either way, best keep the analogy as an analogy. Most things can enhance someone’s life, but taken too far, can worsen it. Best thing is to take control of the whole situation, and not just let it settle where it settles. E.g. if you’re making a conscious choice to check a feed, great. If you find yourself scrolling without consciously choosing to, stop, and take control of that behaviour.
No career path or amount of followers negates the fact that you are a human being that has feelings. Tell us about some parts of you beyond being an artist that you take pride in.
By default, I assume that everyone is trying their best. Everyone’s the product of their life experiences, and the choices they made. Even if someone made a bad choice, I don’t think they wanted to make a bad choice, it’s just how their brain ended up making the decision. Maybe that day the emotional monkey brain overruled the rational brain – it happens. One of my favourite books is called Incognito, and it explains how the brain works. Once you know how the brain works, the world starts to make sense, and you stop judging people. The brain is just trying to make good decisions, with imperfect information, and a different data set to you.
As you are exposed to tons of stimulus working in the music industry, how do you proactively take care of your mental and emotional health?
Daily walks and exercise. Reading (actually, listening on Audible) to books on Stoicism. Having interests and other passions outside of music and YouTube. And carefully curating what inputs (newsfeeds, social media, people, environment, etc..) I expose myself to.
If you had any words of wisdom that you can share with individuals who are attempting to maximize the potential of YouTube and share their talent with the world, what would you say?
Strip the emotion out of the process, and try to view the situation objectively. If you’re looking to grow for example, be very specific, how exactly is your view count/follower count/etc. actually going to grow? Think through every step. You upload a video. Then what? What steps happen between that and ‘growth’? Remember that every platform/person does something for a reason, and so make sure each step has a realistic reason for happening. If you’re unsure about a step, do more research. Most of it you should know though. E.g. how do you know what makes someone click a video? Well, what makes YOU click a video? Start there.
How old would you be if you didn’t know how old that you were?
34. I’m actually 28, but years of skateboarding, BMX, skiing, rock climbing and such have taken its toll on my joints.
Last but certainly not least, any closing messages for your fans?!
Question everything, test assumptions, challenge popular beliefs, keep asking why, enjoy everything.
Minnesota Rockers, City of the Weak, have been giving their blood, sweat, tears and energy to music ever since the release of the ‘White Fire Alarm’ EP in 2013. Having recently delivered throughout ‘Pulling Teeth’, City of the Weak continues to forge forward with renewed vigor and creative inspiration. I caught up with Bassist, Cody Hoffman, to discuss ‘Pulling Teeth’, the synergy amongst the band, coming out stronger from a rock bottom experience, finding peace in late night drives and much more.
Congrats on the recent release of ‘Pulling Teeth’. Tell us about the creative and recording process for this release and what you learned along the way.
Thank you! To be honest it was quite a grueling process all around, and that’s where the title came from because it felt like we were pulling teeth to make the record we wanted to make. After we released the Disclosure EP in 2014 we started touring really hard for the following few years. We would be out for up to 7 weeks at a time trying to just get out there and get in front of people. Eventually the band had started to draw some attention from people in the industry and everyone had their own opinion on what they thought we needed to do to “blow up” and be successful. At first we were really open to suggestions, but after a year a so it was like someone had slipped a blindfold on us and spun us around a hundred times. We got so twisted up in trying to please people that we kind of forgot what we were even trying to do artistically, and it was definitely showing in the music. The songs weren’t good, the morale wasn’t there, and we felt like we were blowing it. Eventually it hit a breaking point and we said “Fuck It” and decided to make the music we wanted to make and do what we want to do.
When It came down to recording the album we connected with Craig Owens to produce the album. We were actually supposed to go with someone else to do the album, but when a mutual friend brought his name up as a suggestion we knew we had to try for it. The album was actually recorded in two separate sessions. We recorded Censor This, Ungrateful, and Glad You Could Make It the first round to make sure it was going to be a good fit. Stef and I went to Detroit and we spent a few days with him tearing down each song. Some songs were almost completely scrapped aside from a couple parts and were re-written right on the spot. In the studio we had a lot of great discussions about what it means to make art that matters to you and to not sacrifice that for anything or anyone. Craig has such a trained ear for not only how a song sounds, but how it feels.After that first session we came home and the rest of the record just poured out of us. All those songs that we came back with the second time even now still resonate as strongly as they did when we first wrote them.
How has touring and being in the band with the balance of Male/Female, Stef and Brent, served to enhance your artistry?
I will say it is definitely a completely different dynamic touring and performing with women as opposed to a group of all males. I can’t really put my finger on what it is but there’s something about it that I’d take over an all male group any day of the week. I think by nature men and women have different instincts and pickup on different social cues and aspects of a situation in a completely different way. The balance of both really rounds out our group and I think in a lot of ways keeps us all with an open and objective mind. I guess a lot of that comes down to the individual personalities but I’m extremely lucky to work, relax, and play with both of my best friends. Stef, Brent, and I all live within a few blocks from each other in St. Paul, MN so we spend most of our time together one way or another on pretty much a daily basis. I think we bring a lot of the best aspects out of each other and in the end I think that trickles down into the things we create together.
Showcasing the human in you, what is a challenging thought that you recently had and were able to overcome over time?
This is a difficult one to admit, but I’ll share because I’m now starting to feel that I’m starting to push through and get on the other side of it after struggling with it for a couple of years. There have been a handful of really dark moments that this lifestyle has brought me, this year especially, where I’ve questioned what the hell am I doing with my life. I started to live with this nagging thought that I had chosen the wrong path with in life and that the universe was sending me every possible sign that I needed to walk away. I felt this way for so long and built up resentment towards the things and the people that bring light to my life. Eventually after hitting rock bottom with the help of people close to me I was able to flip my perspective to realize that I have spent my lifetime doing this. That I have over 20 years of experience and lessons and that I need to hold myself up to that standard. I want my work to speak to that. The greatests artists of our time spent their entire lives devoted to their crafts and pushing themselves farther.
What is your perception on the digital world that we live in and social media culture?
That’s a really interesting question. I see that a lot of people have negative views on technology, but I think in a lot of ways these apps and social platforms are tools and we have the choice as to what kind of rabbit holes we are want to go down. It’s like you can spend your time subscribing to news sites and social media to convince yourself that the world sucks, or that it is coming to an end, or that everything we’ve been taught is a lie. On the flip side you can spend your time on sites like creativelive and skillshare, or listening to podcasts to teach yourself new things and open yourself up to new ideas. I’ve definitely found myself on both sides of it but in the last few years I just block or unfollow things that rub me wrong even in the slightest possible way. We are so delicate to influence so I try to subscribe to things that lift me up and empower the type of person I want to be.
No career path or amount of followers negates the fact that you are a human being that has feelings. Tell us about some parts of you beyond being a musician that you take pride in.
So on top of all the things that keep me busy with City of the Weak, I also run my own business called C. Evan Media where I create art and promo materials for other bands and businesses. It gives me a chance to empower other artists across the country by helping them bring their visions to a new level. I’m very grateful to be able to collaborate with so many artists over so many different mediums!
As you are exposed to tons of stimulus, how do you proactively take care of your mental and emotional health when you’re out on the road?
It can be challenging sometimes. Everyday is like it’s own adventure and you kind of find yourself in this state of just constantly reacting to your surroundings. I spend a lot of time reading on the road. I try to find moments everyday where I can take a walk and get my own personal space every once in a while. Other than that I also find a lot of peace in late night drives listening to music and podcasts.
You have toured with a wide variety of musicians over the past years and have played at some major festivals. I remember seeing you at the first year of Chicago Open Air in 2016. Tell us some words of wisdom that you have collected along the way.
First off, that’s so cool you saw us there! That entire weekend was such a magical time and I think will forever be a lifelong highlight for me. I have no idea how we tricked them into that. I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is having the right attitude and being present with the people you are with. This lifestyle can be tough for everyone involved, whether it’s the bands on tour, the crew, the promoters or venue staff. I can’t think of a single part of this industry where it’s not some sort of challenge to do what it is we do, plus we can’t survive without each other so why not try to enjoy it? It’s a team effort whether you like it or not. Clear communication is key!
What’s coming in 2019 for City of the Weak?
Even though we just put out ‘Pulling Teeth’ we are already writing towards our next album. Aside from that we are getting ready to announce the next round of tour dates which we are super excited about as well as a couple of surprises throughout the year!
Last but certainly not least, any closing messages for your fans?!
Thank you all so much for your support over the best and worst of times!! I honestly think our fans are some of the coolest people in the world and I feel fortunate that we are on a daily basis are surrounded with like minded people all across the country. There’s no way it is a coincidence and I am grateful to know you guys. Always keep doing you, follow your vision and don’t compromise for anyone!
Family Friendly Rockers, Imagination Movers, have put their unique modern-day stamp on the world of Rock ‘N’ Roll with the intent to incorporate all walks of life and all ages into the mix. Here’s our track-to-track thoughts of their latest album release, ‘10-4’.
Kicking off with the first track, “Socks”, the guys create an atmosphere similar to the musical style of Barenaked Ladies get down to the bare bones with simple lyricism that will create an opportunity for fun and unity between parents and their children. The second track, “So Glad You’re Here”, slows it down into a showcase of vocal talent and lyricism that subconsciously serves to teach children the importance of connection and building healthy friendships. “Talking to the Baby” is the third track that has fluid instrumental synergy that creates a lively vibe while lyrics that travel through the experience of being a golden human prize that gets loved and passed around and is practically swiped from the memory of a human being. The fourth track, “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party”, is an album highlight that morphs into a experimental dose of awe as the guys of Imagination Movers create a kaleidoscopic journey into a world that was brought to life by their eclectic and innovative minds.
“Butterfly Wings (featuring Lisa Loeb)” is the fifth track that slows it down with a soft and gentle opening by Lisa in which metaphorically rich lyrics speak of the days of the chrysalis that are abounding with lessons leading to the emergence of a butterfly. The sixth track, “Is That Wrong”, instantly mimics the instrumental style of Jet and sticks out with an edgy groove that is full of rebellion and style. “Stacking Game” is the seventh track that energetically manifests along the way as instrumentals swiftly dabble between Blink 182 in their ‘Enema of the State’ days to Hoobastank in their self-titled days.The eighth track, “Sunday Morning Song”, lyrically leads listeners into cherishing the slow and easy Sundays that are meant for relaxation and being with yours loved ones. “Tow Truck (featuring The Durbulence)” is the ninth track that showcases the abilities of the guys of Imagination Movers as they take a turn down the Hip-Hop road and believe it or not, make it happen. The twelfth track, “The Hiking Song”, begins with an opening of children making everyday sounds and noises in the studio and then leads into a lyrical ode toward the great outdoors and the therapeutic benefits of staying active. Closing out cleverly with “#Fuzzylittlecat”, the guys end with a quick and short dose of Folk as lyrics that speak of their undying love for their cat charms the hearts of both children and their parents.
The guys of Imagination Movers awaken the childlike qualities that tend to run astray in adulthood within listeners throughout every listen. Having performed on Good Morning America and having had their music being featured on The Ellen Degeneres Show, Imagination Movers have soared through awakening wonder, creativity and freedom of expression. If you’re a fan of fellow musicians such as Barenaked Ladies and Sum 41, then start your New Year off right with the Alt-Rock band, Imagination Movers, that is here to further unite you with your kids on Soundcloud.
The ever-rising Frankenmuth Rockers were back in town for the first of three hometown sold-out shows to ring out 2018 at the Fox Theatre in Detroit on Thursday evening. Dressed in flair that mimicked the fluidity and creative prowess of days of the 1960’s, positive energy rang through the venue that was packed with a wide variety of individuals from all walks of life simply there to be amongst and with fellow members of the peaceful army. Kicking off the night with “Cold Wind” and “Safari Song”, the four young gentleman came charging out with charm and class and ensured to delight the frenzied masses which created an atmosphere that felt akin to The Beatles playing at Olympia Stadium in Detroit in 1966.
Greta Van Fleet are up for four Grammys in 2019 including Best New Artist. Having developed a global fanbase through their dedication to expressing themselves creatively just as they are, Greta Van Fleet is a band of rising stars that you don’t want to miss. You can grab a copy of their latest album, ‘Anthem of the Peaceful Army’, HERE and make sure to grab your tickets HERE for 2019 shows and festival appearances scheduled around the world for the Frankenmuth gentlemen.
Fort Wayne Rockers, Riding With Killers, are a bundle of heart that are set to bring their Rock ‘N’ Roll dreams to life. I caught up with Vocalist/Guitarist, Taylor Roberts, to discuss the release of “Fixing You”, taking pride in his love for animals, what the world can expect from Riding With Killers and more.
Congrats on the release of “Fixing You”. Tell us about your intention for the track and what you learned about yourself throughout the creative process.
First off thank you so much for having RWK on board for an interview. It’s exciting to be a part of Life Beyond the Music! We released the song as a thank you for helping us hit Number One on RockFile Radio with our song “Is Anybody Listening”, which is pretty cool considering we are still in our infancy stage. The song for me represents those toxic people in your life that you try your best to help. You want to fix them because you know they can be better, but sometimes at the end of the day you have to realize you can’t fix them and you have to walk away. While the song isn’t directed at one person in particular, there were multiple events throughout my life that inspired the song and I think it’s a song that people can relate to at the end of the day. I think the biggest thing I learned from the creative process of this is that I am capable of actually doing this. While I’ve always been active in the behind the scenes stuff, in my previous band I was the guitarist and backup vocalist. I always wanted to sing but I was never able to do what I wanted, which was write songs and get what was in my head and heart out. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to hack it, but once I put myself in that position and forced myself in an unfamiliar territory I realized I’m capable.
Through Riding With Killers, do you feel as though you are able to present yourself artistically in the most honest manner possible?
Absolutely, I’m getting to be me and get what is in my head and heart out finally. I’ve had so much that I’ve wanted to say for so long and I was never able to fully realize that in the previous group. With this new venture, I’m getting to put pen to paper finally and I have plenty to write about. I’m getting to tackle things that have bothered me for years. I get to turn something ugly into something beautiful. I get to use those moments to create art. My mission has always been to do for others what music did for me as a kid, say what I never had the courage to say. To let others know they aren’t alone in the world and that someone else understands. It’s incredibly freeing and I haven’t been this happy or excited in a long time.
Showcasing the human in you, what is a challenging thought that you recently had and were able to overcome over time?
I would say touching back on me being capable of taking on this role as a lead singer/guitarist. I had so many doubts in my head. Can I start over from scratch? Can I play guitar and sing at the same time? Am I truly any good at this? Is it worth pursuing? Am I wasting my time? I had these thoughts surrounding me as I was recording the first 3 tracks for the band. But as I had these doubts in my head, I began to realize, Hey I’m actually doing this, why the fuck have I been doubting myself? Snap the fuck out of it Taylor. I had to beat that into myself over and over until I finally began to believe it. I think a lot of musicians struggle with that because we live in such a critical world. Everyone has an opinion of something even if they have not one single ounce of authority on a subject. It can be grueling, but at the end of the day you have to trust that you are where you’re supposed to be and just go for it.
What is your perception on the digital world that we live in and social media culture?
It’s a double edged sword really. On one hand it’s this incredibly useful tool that allows people the ability to connect with others across the world that they might not have made contact with. You’re able to share your art for free essentially and get the word out like you’ve never been able to before. On the OTHER hand, it’s one of the worst things that has happened to this world. While we can be connected like never before I think it’s bred a level of disconnect that’s put a damper on human interaction. People have found a way to be able to say things without consequence. People sincerely say the worst shit to each other online, mostly without consequence, and it’s truly discomforting. A lot of special moments are lost because everyone has a camera on their phone, they video everything, take photos of everything. It’s almost cheapened the experience that you used to be able to get when people weren’t glued to their phones.
No career path or amount of followers negates the fact that you are a human being that has feelings. Tell us about some parts of you beyond being a musician that you take pride in.
I take pride in my love for animals. My dog Meg is my absolute favorite. I found her on the side of the road in North Mississippi over 3 years ago. She was probably 20 pounds and near death. Something told me that she had to come with me and I worked with her and helped get her to a healthy weight. I got her fur to grow back through many medicated baths, got her embedded collar taken care of, got rid of all the skin issues and trust issues she had. She’s essentially my child and I love her dearly. How someone could treat a creature like Meg so poorly is just beyond me, I’m so glad our paths crossed. I think she saved me just as much as I saved her. Her name is pretty ironic too, because of her situation, I based her name off Meg from Family Guy. In the show no one wants Meg or pays attention to her, but with showing people my Meg’s story, she’s grown her own little fan base and people are really in to her. She’s a doll.
As you are exposed to tons of stimulus, how do you proactively take care of your mental and emotional health when you’re out on the road?
It helps to go to the gym and exercise. Your physical absolutely affects your mental. You have to take care of yourself in order to be able to function to the best of your ability. I try to eat as best as I possibly can, which can be incredibly hard. But it goes hand in hand with your physical. It all interconnects at the end of the day. The better you treat your body, the better state of mind you’ll be in which leads to a better overall state of happiness.
You have toured with a wide variety of musicians over the past years. Tell us some words of wisdom that you collected along the way.
I’ve for sure been incredibly fortunate to get to do some incredible things, and one of the most common themes/pieces of advice was, be cool to EVERYONE. I think that is probably the most important one. The industry isn’t quite as big as a lot of people would have you believe. Everyone knows everyone, someway, somehow. If you’re a dick, people tend to know. Don’t be a dick. Another one of my favorite things I was told was “Just be badass”. It seems like a no brainer, but really it’s a good piece of advice. Be badass, and watch things start to happen. Hone your craft and be badass. Don’t give up. That’s probably the worst thing you can do. You’re gonna face rejection, criticism, and people will tell you no, constantly. Everyone no is one step closer to a yes. Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t give up. The only way you get better at something is to keep at it. Eventually you’ll strike gold and you’ll get to where you want to be.
Last but certainly not least, any closing messages for your fans?!
Thank you all so much for the encouragement and support through all of this. It was an insane leap of faith to get where I’m at now and I truly appreciate everyone who has stuck beside me and given me a reason to keep going. I wouldn’t be here without any of you nor would it really mean anything. So truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you. The best is yet to come!
Swedish Native, Lil T-Shirt, is a diamond in the rough who is consistently dishing out quality music and visuals that overcome the notion that you must put all of your eggs into one genre basket. Having recently released the new music video for his single, “Summer”, Lil T-Shirt displays a maturity and confidence throughout the visuals that subliminally speaks of his eagerness to join and mingle with the elite in the music industry.
Visually showcasing the slow journey toward a state of clarity mixed with the sweet and slow burn of a beautiful summer day, Lil T-Shirt matched the lyrical and instrumental energy of “Summer” seamlessly with the music video. Layered with emotion and feeling, Lil T-Shirt has a vision throughout the music video in which intricate feelings bear witness to the amount of energy that he is willing to tolerate within a personal relationship moving forward. Having features from an array of ladies that are wearing the most natural versions of themselves, Lil T-Shirt incorporates minimalism in a way that is captivating to the open mind and soul who admires the outdoors.
Having grown up in the Punk and Rock scene growing up in Stockholm, Lil T-Shirt has a unique aesthetic within his artistry and name that naturally captures attention. Shocking the masses with a sultry R&B vocal style that is appealing to the soft and vulnerable heart, Lil T-Shirt keeps it candid and real from the start throughout “Summer”. If you’re a fan of a mixture of fellow musicians such as ODESZA, 6LACK and Frank Ocean, then keep an eye on the ride ahead for Lil T-Shirt on Soundcloud.
San Francisco Musician, CarnyMusic, is transcending beyond his roots as the Lead Vocalist of Western-Psych Band, The Green Door. Having recently released his new self-titled EP, it is evident that Mike Carnahan has set his sights on getting deeply in tune with himself through his artistry. Here’s our track-by-track thoughts.
Kicking off with the first track, “Riptide”, CarnyMusic creates an environment akin to one amongst a cozy fire in the middle of a cool summer night as the lyrical trajectory hits the highs and lows of a riptide of emotions that have hit him directly in the chest. The second track, “Beetle In The Sand”, is humbling as the opening abruptly jumps into a soft lyrical journey into our small places in this massive world through our individualism and flows into the chorus that serves as a reminder of the ever-changing weather that has been encountered between two lovers. “Start Another Week” is the third track that lyrically speaks of the common attachment to a life of work and never slowing down that is poisoning the human race as CarnyMusic gently dabbles into the thoughts that have left his mind racing. Closing out with the EP highlight, “Close Your Eyes”, CarnyMusic lyrically carves into the remaining pieces of a tarnished love that still seems to linger in the air no matter the alternating experiences that each individual encounters on their own.
CarnyMusic embodies both his masculinity and femininity in a balanced way throughout his self-titled release which ignites the emotive element of the music. If you’re a fan of fellow musicians with depth such as Bright Eyes, Sufjan Stevens and Sun Kill Moon, then keep an eye on the ride ahead for CarnyMusic on Soundcloud.
Southern Rockers, Dead Friends 46, are a wild riot of Rock ‘N’ Roll thunder creating music that is both amusing and pleasing to consume. Here’s our track-by-track thoughts of their latest full-length album release, ‘Hardcore’.
Kicking off with a bang with the first track, “The Firm”, the guys of Dead Friends 46 rile up some daunting energy as aggressive Punk guitar playing smashes through the intro and swiftly leads into a dive into a ball of fire by the name of Don Mazda whose vocal style mimics the likes of Judas Priest. The second track, “Rise Up”, can get a crowd of maniacs tossing beer across a venue as the guys of Dead Friends 46 showcase their lyrical prowess with a politically potent spill of how corrupt our Government has come to be. “Whistling in the Dark” is the third track that is a seemingly spiritual ode to regret as lyrics bash living under the rules of society and how much it can destroy your one shot as a human being. The fourth track, “Banned from the Pubs”, is exactly as it states; rowdy, incoherent and balls-to-the-wall as the guys lyrically attempt to flee a frantic scene that they created.
“The Letter” is the fifth track that intentionally sticks it to the man as a blast of instrumental synergy shreds through with ease. The sixth track, “Mass Hysteria”, puts the cherry on top of the madness that has already come memories of the lack of trust in those who have f**ked the guys of Dead Friends 46 in the past are coming back out of the closet to lyrically confront with no remorse. “Blood Cot” is the seventh track that lyrically highlights a lack of self-discipline and control which is destroying the lives of an individual who is immersed within their own self-doubt. The eighth track, “Lady Doom”, is a lyrical shot at a lady who tried to run the guys of Dead Friends 46 for what they’re worth yet was found guilty in hindsight. “Devil and Don” is the ninth track that reeks of lyrically knowing that it is time to throw in the towel on relationships that aren’t going anywhere. The tenth track, “Black Eyeliner (April Harvey), starts off with streamlined instrumentals that leads into a dose of lyrical anger as the guys metaphorically travel through a chapter of sleeping with the devil. Closing out with “Dead Friends”, the guys pour one out for the ones that have come and gone in a classic Punk Rock way.
Mastered with precision by a group of guys who live and die by and with music, ‘Hardcore’ by Dead Friends 46 is an album that can kickstart your new year the right way. If you’re a fan of fellow musicians such as Anti-Flag, Bad Religion and Authority Zero, then keep an eye on the ride ahead for Dead Friends 46 on Soundcloud.
New York Musician, Chris Lastovicka, has confronted deep and dark wounds that had him living under the daunting spell of sweet and tender pain to make that known throughout the first two single releases, “The 7th Chapter of Job” (Remixed) and “The End of Tyranny” (Remixed). Stemming from the upcoming 2019 full-length remix album, Chris Lastovicka has given listeners a glimpse into the fog that he had been living through in attempts to enlighten others through music and remind them that there is hope if you keep fighting and ensure to remain aware of the bigger picture along the way. Here’s our thoughts of the first two tracks.
Kicking off with “The 7th Chapter of Job” (Remixed), Chris transforms tragedy into an opportunity for revived clarity as opening strings enamor listeners with a slow and steady walk into a world of fear, abandonment and anxiety that he has felt immersed within as haunting Opera vocals leave one in admiration of the slow burn that Chris had been encountering within. The second track, “The End of Tyranny” (Remixed), mimics the theatrical style of Dream Theater as the slowly rising piano hints at exposure to oneself and all of the pain that is beginning to come to light which Chris continues to battle with and overcome in due time.
Chris has used his artistry as a space to explore and transcend inner and outer ailments that have been hindering him from living out his fullest potential. Set a reminder for the April 12th, 2019 release of the full-length remix album, ‘Fortune Has Turned’ (Remixed), yet in the meantime, if you’re a fan of fellow musicians and composers such as The Future Sound of London, Goldmund and How to Destroy Angels, keep an eye on the ride ahead for Chris Lastovicka on Soundcloud.
NYC Shock Rapper/Artist, Justin Symbol, is an enigma that is difficult to find out which is exactly the way that he likes being presented to the world. I caught up with Justin to discuss ‘Symbol Season Mixtape, Vol. 1’, the importance of practicing self care, upcoming mini tour, “Star Daddy” and more.
Congrats on the release of ‘Symbol Season Mixtape, Vol. 1’. Tell us about the creative and recording process and what you learned along the way.
With ‘Symbol Season’ I embraced my hip hop alter ego “Star Daddy”. It was about letting go of preconceptions and just having fun! I learned to trust my producer and do things I was afraid to do. One of these moments resulted in the most well known song, “Goldi”.
If you could sit down with your younger self and give him one small dose of advice, what would you say to him?
Practice self care and connect with others. Life doesn’t have to be a lonely race to the top of the trash heap of our society. Success means nothing if you’re not present and open to being able to enjoy it.
Showcasing the human in you, what is a challenging thought that you recently had and were able to overcome over time?
Every day is that struggle. The voice in my head saying “You’re nothing. Die.” I’ve wanted to give in to that, but then I keep fighting. I had some people close to me die lately and it became an affirmation of life. Like, these people believed in me. They gave into that voice, but I can be the example to others that they don’t have to! There is an amazing world out there if you’re open to seeing it.
What is your perception on the digital world that we live in and social media culture?
I think it obviously has the potential to be quite toxic but it’s also got great possibilities. Some real confidence and empowerment has blossomed. Also you have a lot of divisive “movements” which I question if they are even real or a scheme to tear people apart. All this stuff pitting us against each other, it’s not even worth focusing on. I can only do so much before I tune out. I always try to remember that perception is reality. Nothing can replace a real one on one human connection.
No career path or amount of followers negates the fact that you are a human being that has feelings. Tell us about some parts of you beyond being a musician that you take pride in.
I have 5 years sober and have been privileged to maybe lead others toward that life style or at least show them that you can be sober and not super boring! I am also proud of my sexuality, and it seems to empower other people. I don’t put labels on myself but I exist outside the mainstream and I know that it can become a beacon to others who feel the same way. Life is too short to live in shame. I often forget how many people still do!
As you are exposed to tons of stimulus, how do you proactively take care of your mental and emotional health when you’re out on the road?
I need to do way better in this area. For me, tour becomes this high that then saps my endorphins and I can become quite negative afterwards. I need to be better about making meetings, praying and meditating on the road. Exercise helps too! Toxic people are the worst because they can really drag you down and isolate you. Getting rid of those from my band was a big step in the right direction!
Reflect back to day one in the studio for ‘Symbol Season Mixtape, Vol. 1’, would you have thought that the mixtape would have turned out the way it did?
I didn’t really know what to think. We started with the song “Artistic Shit” and from the beginning I knew we were not going to create a record like anything I was previously known for. The goal was to be totally free and allow ourselves to be upbeat, fun and positive with the music. Sometimes things got very silly. I’ve never laughed so much while making an album! I never thought we’d get so productive that we’d end up having 21 songs!
Speaking of touring, any current or upcoming tour/show plans that you can fill us in about?
There will be a Justin Symbol West Coast mini tour in late Feb. I am bringing back the old school Justin Symbol vibe in a big way with a new live band of talented people. I’m very excited to reconnect with that part of myself, which I know the fans have been eager for.
Last but certainly not least, any closing messages for your fans?!